18 June 2008

We're expecting!

We're expecting! We'll find out in a month or so the gender, exact age, etc. Right now we are excited, making plans, and trying to prepare ourselves and our families.

We want to expand our family, and God has led us in this direction. Anyone who has known me for any length of time knows that I have always wanted to be a mother, and anyone who really knows my husband has seen his compassionate heart. There is no other route to parenting that fits us better.

Just as any parent expecting their first child, we know there will be trying times and sleepless nights. But in time, when our child looks at us with trust and says "I love you" for the first time, it will be a moment we will forever remember.

I pray that our family and friends will support us as we become parents and welcome this new addition into our circle with open arms, hearts, and minds.


Bethany said...

We are so excited for you both! It will be fun to come visit and meet the new addition to your family!


Bethany and Dustin